Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How Could You Deny The Oneness of ALLAH?

Yes I lived a life alone, Living it just for me,
and I had no idea this life would judge my eternity,
I look at my self and I wondered who created me,
I had to open my heart and my mind and open my eyes to see.
Open my eyes and see the existence of whats surrounding me,
Its more than just chance, its more than just co-incidence,
Look around and see, the earth, the moon, the sun and the stars,
A beautiful creation of Allah (God) so how could you deny,

How could you deny the oneness of Allah Allahu akbar

How could you deny the oneness of Allah Allahu akbar
How could you deny the oneness of Allah Allahu akbar
How could you deny the oneness of Allah Allahu akbar

Lift your head and look up above, and youll see it so clearly
The stars that glitter all around, the birds that fly above me,
I see the rain fall from the sky, I see a seed become a tree,
Lift the veil from your heart , worship Allah and youll succeed, you surely will succeed,
Open my eyes and see the existence of whats surrounding me
Its more than just chance, its more than just co-incidence,
The air that I breath, the food that I need,
The plants and the trees, the sun and the seeds,
You and me everything you see, so how can you deny.

How could you deny the oneness of Allah Allahu akbar
How could you deny the oneness of Allah Allahu akbar
How could you deny the oneness of Allah Allahu akbar
How could you deny the oneness of Allah Allahu akbar
How could you deny the oneness of Allah Allahu akbar
How could you deny the oneness of Allah Allahu akbar
How could you deny the oneness of Allah Allahu akbar

Above are the lyrics of the following Nasheed by NBN (No Beat Necessary)...lately I don't have much things and time to write something new in my blog..I just browse thru the internet and pick up something interesting like the nasyeed below from website Islam Explained.

Hope it will benefit to us all...InsyaAllah

Monday, July 27, 2009

Beatiful Nasheeds From Yusuf Islam

This few weeks especially last weekend were quite hectic for me...went to KL and back on the same day..went to KT the next morning...registered and waited for Azim first day Tae Kwan Do lessons in the evening and at night,prepared presentations for the meeting until 1.30 am the next day....

And to be able to listen to these beatiful nasheeds from Yusuf Islam this morning...really help to soothe my clustered mind and tired body..

enjoy the nasheed and may Allah SWT bless us all...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Is My Income Halal?

While surfing the internet today to find other fellow muslim bloggers, I came across a blog called ProductiveMuslim.com
and I feel some sort of obligations to share its posting with others. Good way of "muhasabah" ourself and improve our "halalness" of our income. May Allah SWT give us strength.....

"The TV commercials, recently debuted in major Middle-eastern channels, depict different scenarios which make your income non-halaal, and then cleverly interprets the Prophetic saying "hellfire is more deserving of every flesh which has been nourished through that which is unlawful” by showing fire burning on the faces of those you feed non-halal income. Scary but sooo visual and makes one think!

Although the commercials are in Arabic, yet they are mostly self explanatory. I’ve added some titles/sub-headings to help you understand the gist of what's going on. The last part of each video asks "Is your income halal?""

- my comments; for the purpose of "muhasabah" we should ask ourself instead of others...Is My Income Halal??

TV Commercial 1 - Accepting Bribery at work

TV Commercial 2 - A Doctor at his private clinic who over-prescribes tests/x-rays/medicines for his patients so he earns more money

TV Commercial 3 - A teacher who simply sits in front of her class and does not teach them anything, but sits and waits for the bell to ring so she can sign off and go home.

TV Commercial 4 - Arriving late at work but having your friend sign you in early!

TV Commercial 5 - Waking up late and making up lies as excuses for not coming in!

TV Commercial 6 - A man having trouble with rent/bills/expenses calls his employer who hasn't paid him for 2 months, the employer gives him the excuse that he has no money even though he's having a lavish dinner with his family!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Taubat Seorang Hamba

Lirik2 nasyid yg cukup menyentuh jiwa-jiwa yang merasakan dirinya seorang hamba yang tidak akan lari dari melakukan kesalahan dan dosa kepada Penciptanya....semoga memberi manafaat kepada kita semua...


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