It was he who gave training to four thousands of people under him, on how to carry the demolition. On seeing the majestic minarets of the mosque come down Captain Prasad was overjoyed and shouted the "Ram! Ram!" This happened seven years ago.
On Dec. 6 ,1999 the same Shive Prasad was seeking forgiveness from Allah for his cruel act seven years back. This 6 Dec.1999 he was fasting (non-obligatory) and regretting for the act with tears and was seeking forgiveness from Allah in his prayers. Yes ! Shive Prasad has embraced Islam. He has changed his name to Mohammed Mustafa. One will be moved to learn how he embraced Islam.
This change in Shive Prasad's heart was published by Malayalam News (7.12.99) issued by "Arab News Publications" in Saudi Arabia. Shive Prasad's father Trigal Ramanathan was chief among the heads of Sangh Parivar. His whole family was actively involved in demolishing the Babri Masjid.

Soon after the demolition of the mosque, Shive prasad felt a depression in his heart. He had no peace of mind. He felt that he had committed a great sin. In 1997 he went to Sharjah in order to seek employment. But even at work his mind was restless.
On Dec. 4, 1998 as he was walking along the streets of Sharjah, he happened to hear a speech before Friday prayer held in a mosque which was in Hindi. When he heard the speech, which he felt was something different. He wanted to listen the complete speech. That message about Allah created a revolution in his rest less mind. He continued to listen to such speeches thereafter. The revolution in his heart was completed.
All praise be to Allah ! Allah has shown him the right path. He has forfeited the ignorance and chosen the righteous path. When Shive Prasad embraced Islam he was driven out by his family members who were strong RSS activists. He is praying to God that his family members should also choose the righteous path as he did. Shive Prasad says that among those who led the demolition on the spot were Ashok Singhal and Advani. On the day of demolition the police and CRPF connived with the leaders of BJP, Bajrang Dal and RSS. Both these law enforcing agencies greatly helped in the demolition.
He recalls that on that day Ashok Singhal dressed himself in military uniform and gave orders. He also recalls, soon after the demolition of the mosque they entered the muslim areas in the Faisabad and shouted "Jai Shriram". Now, Shive Prasad is receiving continuous threatenings from RSS, BJP and Bajrang Dal. Sangh Parivar has threatened to kill if he returns to India. But Mohammed Mustafa (Shive Prasad) says firmly that he will never turn away from Islam - the righteous path even if death comes his way.
Having learnt 17 Surahs in the Holy Qur'an, he is anxious to complete learning the whole of the Holy Qur'an. His ambition is to become a true Islamic preacher and and bring ignorant people to light. If Allah wishes, his ambition will be fulfilled and the very same hands which demolished the Babri Masjid will built up again.
source : http://www.usislam.org
-SubhanALLAH...May Allah SWT fulfill Brother Mohammed Mustafa's ambitions and guide him and us with His Hidayah all the time...
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