Hari ini aku ingin berbicara mengenai company lama aku, Techart Sdn Bhd dan aku akan menulisnya dalam bahasa Inggeris sepenuhnya sebagai penghormatanku kepada MD Techart, Tn Hj Zolkifly yang cukup menitikberatkan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris dikalangan kakitangannya..
I've spent half of my 21 years of working life with Techart.Techart was and still very closed to my heart even though I've left Techart 1 and half year already.
2-3 weeks ago, Techart has moved its office from Wisma Bumi Raya to its own building at
My relationship with Techart goes beyond company and staff relationship. It is like a family to me...that is why when I left Techart it is not because of an offer from other company ....The other companies could only offer better salary but not the "family touch" that Techart was offering..
Not many know the real reason why I left Techart, many thought that I left Techart for better prospect, start own business etc..Those were only parts of the reasons not the main one...Those were not the main pulling factor that really pulled me out of Techart.....
My mother is the real reason I left Techart...I needed to be closed to my mother for the remaining of her life..She was reaching 80 and seems that the only thing that she needed in her life then was children to talk to ...I've noticed this when I were working in KL and came home once a while...
.....and I have no regret at all leaving Techart for my mother...I've was there when she needed me most...listen to her as much time as I can...consoled her during her sickness..and prayed for her and helped her to say,"Lailahaillallah" when she was at the edge of "Sakaratul Maut"...no.. I have no regret at all.....
Coming back to my topic today...let's talk about my 10 years experience in Techart. I joined Techart on 16 June 1997 as Project Manager, climbed up corporate ladder to become Senior Project Manager and ended my career in Techart as a Senior Manager in Dec 2007.
What u see of me today is the result of 10 years I've spent with Techart. Techart has nurtured me from ordinary to extra ordinary, trained me, and sent me to seminars, technical and motivational courses. Techart changed me from what I was before...and I did not realise it until I met people whom I have not met for the last 10 years.
From my simple calculation, Techart has spent/invested about RM 1M on me during my 10 years services..quite a lot of money...and I am proud to say that I have returned its investment quite substantially to Techart.
As I said earlier, Techart was not just a company to me...it was like a big family to me and I truly believe people who work with Techart for as long as I, will agreed with me.
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